Friday 15 February 2019

Are you Getting the Right Traffic?

Bloggers and online marketers alike are forever looking for ways to get more traffic to their content and landing pages. In fact, they have gotten very creative in some of their efforts. Some of these creations have been very effective.

How many of these creative traffic methods have you tried? And how well did they work for you?
In the end, unless they receive targeted traffic, it will be totally worthless. That’s a bit harsh I know but it happens to be the truth. Most marketers spend way too much time cultivating and driving traffic that will not help them in the least because they have no interest in their content.

Do not let this happen to you. Make sure that you understand the types of traffic that you are working to get or paying for. It must match the content you plan to put in front of them – otherwise, it will be completely worthless.
So how can we ensure that we are targeting the right traffic? Let us examine some things that will help us focus on the right people

Customer Avatar

The very first thing that you should do is construct an avatar that represents your typical customer. Many online marketers will go so far as to give that typical customer a name and everything. They go to great pains to establish their education status, their gender, their age, and whether or not they are married and whether they have kids or not.
I would recommend that you take a worksheet on Excel and define every aspect of your typical customer. The most important element of your customer avatar is defining their needs, their wants, their desires, and their problems.

You should spend more time focusing on their problems than any other thing. People will spend more time and energy (and money) trying to make problems go away than anything else. This is because problems will overcome the natural tendency of humans to procrastinate than will the desire to have something.

You should spend at least one blog post addressing each of their typical problems. Think back on how many times you have used Google to solve problems. This is how you want your customers to find you as well.

Targeted Ads

Yes, we are talking about paid ads here. Yes, they cost money, but they are very effective in helping you get targeted traffic.

To get very targeted traffic, you should use social media advertising. Never before in the world of paid ads have we been able to target customers the way we can today.

I recommend that you begin setting aside a small amount of funds for an advertising budget and then slowly increase that amount as you begin reaping rewards from those paid ads.

A great way to do this is to use paid ads to build an email mailing list. As you build your email list, you will always access to targeted traffic. You can think email every single blog post to your mailing list and this will be instant web traffic for your online business. 

Market Influencers

This is a traffic source that most online marketers are ignoring these days because they don’t believe it will ever work for them. This is not true because there are many ways you can use influencers in your market.

What many people out there tell us about the gurus and experts in our market is that we should interview them and put that interview on our blogs and websites. Or that we should write an eBook about our interview of them.

The reason that people do not believe in this method is because they do not believe these experts will be available to them. Actually, they are right, but this is not the only we to use market influencers.

You need to follow these market influencers and to keep up to date with your market because these people are the cutting edge of your market. Share your thoughts with your audience about what these gurus are saying.

If your brand is seen over and over online along with the mentioning of these gurus, then your authority will grow as well. Remember that thousands of people out there are searching online for comments from these experts. If you mention them in your social media posts, then they will find your content as well. This is how you leverage market influencers.

Finally, make it a point to ask your biggest market influencers an intelligent question about something they created at least once every week. The two keys points here are asking an “intelligent question” about something “they created”. This shows them that you have read their content and have given it some deep thought.

If they ever choose to respond to you, then you stand to gain thousands of followers on that particular social platform. This is why you need to be persistent in doing this.
Good luck in finding more target web traffic!